On Deck With Dunc

The Pool Is The School. The Lessons Are For Life.


My name is Duncan Todd and I have spent my life either in the pool training and competing or on deck coaching and advising.

My personal journey in swimming has taken me across the world.

Over the decades in the sport I have had the privilege of working with some of the best coaches and athletes the sport has known.

I’ve represented at three Olympic Games; one as an athlete and two as a coach.

I’ve forged life-long friendships and experienced both the highest of highs as well as the lowest of lows that the sport could throw at me.

It is no understatement to say that the sport and the water has shaped and made me into who I am today.

“Water is fluid, soft, and yielding. But water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will overcome whatever is rigid and hard. This is another paradox: what is soft is strong.” -Lao Tzu –

Join me as I share some of my insights, experiences and lessons collated over nearly forty years in the sport.

The pool is the school but the lessons are for life.