Lane One: Keep Calm And Carry On.
Our second finalist is now on deck and ready to race. Head over to Spotify to listen in.
The Pool Is The School. The Lessons Are For Life.
Our second finalist is now on deck and ready to race. Head over to Spotify to listen in.
Head over to your favourite platform and listen in as we discuss our first finalist of the Book Of Eight Lanes. Swimming in Lane Eight is: Focus on the journey, not on the goal.
NASA invented the zero-gravity, nitrogen boosted pen so you don’t have to. During the heights of the Cold War, scientific and technological breakthroughs were cause for much fanfare on both sides of the political divide between the West and the Soviet Union. Central to that politicised competition was the space race. Great pride was taken…
Listen to my latest podcast introducing my exciting new project where I meld the inspirations of ancient Japanese and Chinese wisdom with a lifetime of competitive swimming.
Catch up on the first season of On Deck With Dunc. Come and listen in as I coach an age group squad in Far North Queensland.
Competitive swimming is a tough sport in a soft world. It is an old-school sport in a new age environment. What does that mean? Like most organised sports, competitive swimming is a luxury. Families and children are not engaged in the world that is competitive swimming unless life is generally good. In broad sweeps of…